Thank you for visiting our website! To get in touch with any one of our qualified dispatch team, sales persons or accounting staff, click on our company directory for their extension numbers and/or email addresses for assorted departments and we will be happy to help you in any way we can!
If you are planning to come to visit our team at our Canadian location, click on the map and directions showing the easiest route in which to access us.
SFL sends “news updates” to our valued customers and persons with interest in our industry. If you would like to be kept up to date with the latest Transportation news and changes both within the industry and at SFL, please sign up under our “subscribe” area and these updates will be emailed to you.
Contact us
"*" indicates required fields
Canadian Head Office Location
Mailing address:
PO Box 28120
North Park Plaza
Brantford ON
N3R 7X5
Phone: 519-759-6042
Toll Free: 866-279-2511
Operations Fax: 519-759-8136
Accounting Fax: 519-759-8742
Department emails:
Sales: sales@sfl2000.com
Information: info@sfl2000.com
Dispatch: dispatch@sfl2000.com
Accounting: accounting@sfl2000.com
Tracing: tracing@sfl2000.com
Carrier Contact: carrierinfo@sfl2000.com
Human Resources: hr@sfl2000.com