Robotic Assembly & 3D Printing will Change Supply Chain Forever
I recently read a blog written by Paul Brody about the changes and impacts that “new” technology will have on current supply chain operations worldwide. His blog goes on to describe how robotic assembly, open source software and 3D printing will ultimately eliminate the global supply chain. These new technologies according to Brody, have the ability to create virtually any solid component, eliminating the need for specialty parts makers, and mold and cast producers far outside of the companies current location. The result being a reduced cost and reduced time in transportation of key components in the manufacturing process, that will ultimately reduce costs of production across the board. It could also limit the amount of time lines are spent shut down for repair or refurbishment as parts could be produced locally in a matter of hours and shipped from a closer range.
A very interesting read for manufacturers that require customized parts and have to source over seas etc. This technology is no longer science fiction and is becoming increasingly available to manufacturers.
For a detailed understanding of the technology and more analyse on the impact on supply chain, I would recommend reading the blog post @